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第45章 銅豬 The Metal Pig(第1/23 頁)

最新其他小說小說: 浮雲諾黎早知道系統能掙錢,還下鄉幹啥?京城有家幸福客棧人在超神,開局向琪琳求婚快穿:拯救戀愛腦女主計劃我只是一個老實的配角異世之珏草包夫人俏和尚三角洲行動:開局直面超雄老太七零嬌美人,甩掉知青當首富美漫:什麼年代了還當傳統蝙蝠俠七零:冷麵民兵隊長被作精拿捏了時家娘子發家致富廢太子滿身傷,小香豬贈他滿身光寶貝乖別太兇,總裁搓衣板已就位正統修仙,絕不當天命主角多子多福之香火成聖你們搞錯了,女配我都算不上救命!十年竹馬暗戀成癮侏羅紀世界:我穿成了暴虐霸王龍

《銅豬》,1842 年

the metal pig, 1842


In the city of Florence, not far from the piazza del Granduca, runs a little street called porta Rosa.


In this street, just in front of the market-place where vegetables are sold, stands a pig, made of brass and curiously formed.


the bright color has been changed by age to dark green; but clear, fresh water pours from the snout, which shines as if it had been polished, and so indeed it has, for hundreds of poor people and children seize it in their hands as they place their mouths close to the mouth of the animal, to drink.


It is quite a picture to see a half-naked boy clasping the well-formed creature by the head, as he presses his rosy lips against its jaws.


Every one who visits Florence can very quickly find the place; he has only to ask the first beggar he meets for the metal pig, and he will be told where it is.


It was late on a winter evening; the mountains were covered with snow, but the moon shone brightly, and moonlight in Italy is like a dull winter’s day in t
