首頁 > 其他小說 > 安徒生童話翻譯作者 > 第31章 旅伴 The Travelling Companion

第31章 旅伴 The Travelling Companion(第2/37 頁)

最新其他小說小說: 撿到三歲小喪屍,流放路上有肉吃宮闕絃音第二部丫鬟小桃亂世逃荒記龍珠超之仙人模式悲花鳴煙雨中林悅糟了!李家穿來兩個大力士睜眼新婚夜!換個丈夫,幸福一生綜影視:從在甄嬛傳當皇子開始柯雪修仙傳怪誕粘液炮灰真千金?抱歉,她玄學全能!七零大院:離婚後嫁絕嗣京少多胎穿書七零,閨蜜每天給我送物資!心向何方情所歸星途閃耀之天后進化論死遁五年,被初戀陛下抓回來斬神:表哥劍聖周平,我成劍仙了抽龍筋?抽條褲帶意思一下得了!長安瀟湘

and his father said, “See what a bride you have won. She is the loveliest maiden on the whole earth.”


then he awoke, and all the beautiful things vanished before his eyes, his father lay dead on the bed, and he was all alone. poor John!


during the following week the dead man was buried. the son walked behind the coffin which contained his father, whom he so dearly loved, and would never again behold.


he heard the earth fall on the coffin-lid, and watched it till only a corner remained in sight, and at last that also disappeared.


he felt as if his heart would break with its weight of sorrow, till those who stood round the grave sang a psalm, and the sweet, holy tones brought tears into his eyes, which relieved him.

太陽明亮地照在綠色的樹上,彷彿在說:“你不要這麼悲傷,約翰。你看到你頭頂上美麗的藍天了嗎?你的父親在那裡,他向上帝 —— 萬物慈愛的父親祈禱,願你將來一切順利。”

the sun shone brightly down on the green trees, as if it would say, “You must not be so sorrowful, John. do you see the beautiful blue sky above you? Your father is up there, and he prays to the loving Father of all, that you may do well in the future.”

“我會一直做好人,” 約翰說,“然後我就會去天堂和我的父親在一起。當我們再次相見時那將是多麼快樂啊!我將有多少事情要告訴他,他又能向我解釋多少天堂的快樂,像他以前在人間時那樣教導我。哦,那將是多麼快樂啊!”

“I will always be good,” said John, “and then I sha

