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第91章 光榮的荊棘路 The Thorny Road of Honor(第1/9 頁)

最新其他小說小說: 璀璨重生之林小婉電影隨筆四合院的是是非非小侍郎重生後被戲精王爺叼回家啦今天也是不想算命的一天迷心雙生重生之我在瀋陽等你一直等到老異能太強,大佬被特殊部門收編了鬼滅:我是柱,不是鬼騎士穿越僵約與馬小玲的愛與守護穿書女配?陰鬱反派索吻狠狠寵!被國足封殺後,在西甲肝屬性成球神八零小炮灰,撩爆男主要上位年代之一家之主可以為所欲為意意相隨禮堂戀時光很野很欲!被京圈太子寵成小公主慧妃她從天界來一人之下:開局蛙崽帶回魔神呂布

《光榮的荊棘路》,1856 年

the thorny Road of honor, 1856


An old story yet lives of the “thorny Road of honor,” of a marksman, who indeed attained to rank and office, but only after a lifelong and weary strife against difficulties.

誰在讀這個故事時,不曾想到自己的奮鬥,以及自己無數的 “困難” 呢?

who has not, in reading this story, thought of his own strife, and of his own numerous “difficulties?”


the story is very closely akin to reality; but still it has its harmonious explanation here on earth, while reality often points beyond the confines of life to the regions of eternity.


the history of the world is like a magic lantern that displays to us, in light pictures upon the dark ground of the present, how the benefactors of mankind, the martyrs of genius, wandered along the thorny road of honor.


From all periods, and from every country, these shining pictures display themselves to us.


Each only appears for a few moments, but each represents a whole life, sometimes a whole age, with its conflicts and victories.

讓我們在這裡或那裡沉思一下殉道者的行列中的一位 —— 這個行列將不斷接納新成員,直到世界本身消逝。

Let us contemplate here and there one of the pany of martyrs — the pany which will receive new members until the world its
