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第19章 普緒克 The Psyche(第1/27 頁)

最新其他小說小說: 浮雲諾黎早知道系統能掙錢,還下鄉幹啥?京城有家幸福客棧人在超神,開局向琪琳求婚快穿:拯救戀愛腦女主計劃我只是一個老實的配角異世之珏草包夫人俏和尚三角洲行動:開局直面超雄老太七零嬌美人,甩掉知青當首富美漫:什麼年代了還當傳統蝙蝠俠七零:冷麵民兵隊長被作精拿捏了時家娘子發家致富廢太子滿身傷,小香豬贈他滿身光寶貝乖別太兇,總裁搓衣板已就位正統修仙,絕不當天命主角多子多福之香火成聖你們搞錯了,女配我都算不上救命!十年竹馬暗戀成癮侏羅紀世界:我穿成了暴虐霸王龍


the psyche, 1861



Andersen reported that this story was inspired by an incident that took place in Rome: a beautiful statue of bacchus was unearthed when a grave was being dug for a young nun.

古典古代神話典故與關於罪惡和救贖的聖經故事的融合,也將安徒生的故事與德國浪漫主義者聯絡起來,特別是 E.t.A. 霍夫曼和約瑟夫?馮?艾興多夫,他們鍾情於義大利,並將其用作他們中篇小說的背景。

the blend of allusions to the myths of classical antiquity and the biblical stories of sin and redemption also connect Andersen’s story to the German Romantics, particularly E.t.A. hoffmann and Josef von Eichendorff, who were enamored of Italy and used it as the setting for their novellas.


Albert Kuchler, a danish artist who became a monk, may have been the model for the sculptor in “the psyche.”


“the psyche” was published the same year as Andersen’s “the Ice maiden,” a terrifying tale about an icy kiss of death from a Nordic femme fatale.

在斯特拉文斯基為芭蕾舞劇《仙女之吻》(1928 年)對該故事進行的音樂改編中,標題中的仙女是一位將英雄帶入藝術世界的繆斯。

In Stravinsky’s musical adaptation of that tale for the ballet Le baiser de la fée (1928), the fairy in the title is a muse who captures the hero for the world of art.


From the start, with his first novel the Improvisatore, Andersen was troubled by the nature of art, which aspires to the divine but
