首頁 > 其他小說 > 安徒生童話最經典的一句話 > 第53章 接骨木樹媽媽 The Little Elder-Tree Mother

第53章 接骨木樹媽媽 The Little Elder-Tree Mother(第4/15 頁)

最新其他小說小說: 撿到三歲小喪屍,流放路上有肉吃宮闕絃音第二部丫鬟小桃亂世逃荒記龍珠超之仙人模式悲花鳴煙雨中林悅糟了!李家穿來兩個大力士睜眼新婚夜!換個丈夫,幸福一生綜影視:從在甄嬛傳當皇子開始柯雪修仙傳怪誕粘液炮灰真千金?抱歉,她玄學全能!七零大院:離婚後嫁絕嗣京少多胎穿書七零,閨蜜每天給我送物資!心向何方情所歸星途閃耀之天后進化論死遁五年,被初戀陛下抓回來斬神:表哥劍聖周平,我成劍仙了抽龍筋?抽條褲帶意思一下得了!長安瀟湘

“Just such a large tree, covered with flowers, stands out there; it grew in the corner of an humble little yard; under this tree sat two old people one afternoon in the beautiful sunshine. he was an old, old sailor, and she his old wife; they had already great-grandchildren, and were soon to celebrate their golden wedding, but they could not remember the date, and the elder-tree mother was sitting in the tree and looked as pleased as this one here.

“‘我很清楚金婚是哪天舉行,’她說;但他們沒聽到 —— 他們在談論過去的日子。

“‘I know very well when the golden wedding is to take place,’ she said; but they did not hear it — they were talking of bygone days.

“‘嗯,你還記得嗎?’老水手說,‘當我們還很小,經常跑來跑去玩耍的時候 —— 就是在我們現在所在的這個院子裡 —— 我們常常把小樹枝插在地裡,弄成一個小花園。’

“‘well, do you remember?’ said the old sailor, ‘when we were quite small and used to run about and play — it was in the very same yard where we now are — we used to put little branches into the ground and make a garden.’


“‘Yes,’ said the old woman, ‘I remember it very well; we used to water the branches, and one of them, an elder-tree branch, took root, and grew and became the large tree under which we are now sitting as old people.’

“‘沒錯,你說得對,’他說;‘在那邊的角落裡曾放著一個大水缸;我常在裡面放我自己刻的小船 —— 它航行得可好了;但很快我就得去別的地方航行了。’

“‘certainly, you are in right,’ he said; ‘and in yonder corner stood a large water-tub; there I used to sail my boat, which I had cut out myself — it s

