第12章 打火匣 The Tinder-Box(第2/17 頁)
om the oral storytelling traditions of various cultures, cobbling them together to form a plete narrative.
直到 1837 年《小美人魚》出版之後,他才完全依靠自己的想象力來創作童話故事。
It was only after the publication of “the Little mermaid” in 1837 that he relied fully on his own powers of imagination to construct fairy tales.
the soldier - hero of “the tinderbox” shares many traits with war veterans found in stories by the Grimms and other European collectors.
brutal, greedy, and impetuous, he is not much of a role model for children listening to the story.
Indeed, stories about soldiers returning from war were generally intended for adult audiences rather than for children, although Andersen adds enough magic and whimsy to make the tale attractive for young and old.
A soldier came marching along the high road:
“左,右 —— 左,右。”
“Left, right — left, right.”
he had his knapsack on his back, and a sword at his side;
he had been to the wars, and was now returning home.
As he walked on, he met a very frightful - looking old witch in the road.
her under - lip hung quite down on her breast, and she stopped and said, “Good evening, soldier