第17章 最不可思議的事 The Most Incredible Thing(第3/9 頁)
on a certain day there was to be an exhibition of things most incredible and everyone showed his best work. Judges were appointed, ranging from children of three to old men of ninety.
這是一場非凡事物的盛大展覽,但每個人都立刻一致認為最不可思議的是一個大廳時鐘 —— 一個從內到外都不同尋常的奇妙裝置。
It was a grand exposition of things out of the ordinary, but everybody promptly agreed that most incredible of all was a great hall clock - an extraordinary contraption, outside and in.
when the clock struck, out came lifelike figures to tell the hour.
there were twelve separate performances of these moving figures, with speaking and singing. people said that nothing so incredible had ever before been seen.
時鐘敲響一下,摩西站在山上,正在石板上書寫第一條偉大的戒律:“只有一位真神。” 時鐘敲響兩下,亞當和夏娃出現了,就像他們最初在伊甸園相遇時一樣。
the clock struck one, and there stood moses on the mountain, writing in the tablets of the law the first great mandment: “there is only one true God.” the clock struck two, and there were Adam and Eve, just as they first met in the Garden of Eden.
were ever two people so lucky! they didn’t own so much as a clothes - closet, and they didn’t need one. At the stroke of three the three holy Kings appeared.
one was as black as a coal, but he couldn’t help that. the sun had bl