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第42章 亮看見的 What the Moon Saw 第一晚到第十晚(第1/22 頁)

最新其他小說小說: 重逢後,傅總他瘋了雨霧有晴重生之麻辣衰神長姐不好惹偽善女的末世快穿他的小青梅跑了鬼滅:開局棄嬰的我,成了影柱!總裁的特別助理繫結系統只為重回世界層層迷霧之都市神探下一個去哪戀愛要在續單後不良人:諸位,一起復興大唐吧!死神:重生成虛開始的超脫之路瑪格漢崛起:從地獄火半島開始小村風雲起快穿之宿主又被反攻略了怎麼辦八零換親女配?我靠簽到系統殺瘋吃瓜日常:我算卦很靈重回1984:賺錢養娃把家忙一覺醒來,變成了他們的白月光

《月亮看見的》,1840 年

what the moon Saw, 1840.




It is a strange thing, when I feel most fervently and most deeply, my hands and my tongue seem alike tied, so that I cannot rightly describe or accurately portray the thoughts that are rising within me; and yet I am a painter; my eye tells me as much as that, and all my friends who have seen my sketches and fancies say the same.


I am a poor lad, and live in one of the narrowest of lanes; but I do not want for light, as my room is high up in the house, with an extensive prospect over the neighbouring roofs.

在我剛到這個城鎮生活的頭幾天裡,我感到非常沮喪和孤獨。我看到的不再是昔日的森林和青山,而只有一片煙囪林立的 “森林”。然後我一個朋友也沒有;沒有一張熟悉的面孔向我打招呼。

during the first few days I went to live in the town, I felt low-spirited and solitary enough. Instead of the forest and the green hills of former days, I had here only a forest of chimney-pots to look out upon. And then I had not a single friend; not one familiar face greeted me.

於是,一天晚上,我心情沮喪地坐在窗前;不一會兒,我開啟窗戶向外望去。哦,我的心是多麼歡快地跳動起來!終於看到了一張熟悉的面孔 —— 一張圓圓的、友好的臉,一張我在家鄉認識的好朋友的臉。事實上,是月亮在看著我。他一點也沒變,親愛的老月亮,和他過去透過荒野上的柳樹向下看著我的時候一模一樣的臉。

So one evening I sat at the window, in a desponding mood; and presently I opened the casement and looked out. oh, how my heart leaped up with joy! here was a well-known
