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第62章 老路燈 The Old Street Lamp(第1/15 頁)

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《老路燈》,1847 年

the old Street Lamp, 1847


did you ever hear the story of the old street lamp?


It is not remarkably interesting, but for once in a way you may as well listen to it.


It was a most respectable old lamp, which had seen many, many years of service, and now was to retire with a pension.


It was this evening at its post for the last time, giving light to the street.


his feelings were something like those of an old dancer at the theatre, who is dancing for the last time, and knows that on the morrow she will be in her garret, alone and forgotten.

這盞路燈對第二天非常擔憂,因為它知道自己得第一次到市政廳去,接受市長和市議會的檢查,他們要決定它是否還適合繼續服役;—— 也就是這盞路燈是否好到足以用來為郊區居民照明,或者在鄉下某個工廠照明;如果不行,它就會立刻被送到一家鑄鐵廠去熔化掉。

the lamp had very great anxiety about the next day, for he knew that he had to appear for the first time at the town hall, to be inspected by the mayor and the council, who were to decide if he were fit for further service or not; — whether the lamp was good enough to be used to light the inhabitants of one of the suburbs, or in the country, at some factory; and if not, it would be taken at once to an iron foundry, to be melted down.


In this latter case it might be turned into anything, and he wonde
