第68章 豬 The Pigs(第4/6 頁)
st in his tail like a ring, and this ring was his mothers’s pride: she thought all the rest were looking at the ring, and thinking only of the ring; but that they were not doing; they were thinking of themselves and of what was useful, and what was the use of the wood.
它們一直聽說它們吃的橡子是長在樹根處的,於是它們就把地都拱了起來;但來了一隻很小的豬 —— 總是這些小豬會冒出些新奇的念頭 —— 它宣稱橡子是從樹枝上掉下來的,因為剛才就有一顆正好砸在了它的頭上,這個念頭一下子就冒了出來,之後它還進行了觀察,現在對此已經相當確定了。
they had always heard that the acorns they ate grew at the roots of the trees, and accordingly they had grubbed up the ground; but there came quite a little pig — it’s always the young ones who e out with their new-fangled notions — who declared that the acorns fell down from the branches, for one had just fallen down on his head, and the idea had struck him at once, afterwards he had made observations, and now was quite certain on the point.
the old ones put their heads together.
“嗯哼!” 它們說,“嗯哼!美好的時光已經一去不復返了:鳥兒的嘰嘰喳喳聲也聽不到了:我們想要果實;凡是能吃的就是好東西,我們什麼都吃。”
“Umph!” they said, “umph! the glory has departed: the twittering of the birds is all up: we want fruit; whatever’s good to eat is good, and we eat everything.”
“喔唷!喔唷!” 其他所有豬都隨聲附和。
“oui! oui!” chimed in all the rest.
but the mother now looked at her little porker, the one with the ring in his tail, “one must not overlook the beautiful,” she said.
“好!好!” 烏鴉叫道,然後從樹上飛下來,試圖謀得夜鶯的職位;因為總得有人被任命;而烏鴉直接就得到了這個職位。