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第44章 月亮看見的 What the Moon Saw 第二十一晚到第三十二晚(第1/20 頁)

最新其他小說小說: 老祖宗包養的小白臉竟是豪門繼承人重生80:從擺攤開始發家真千金斷親後,侯府上下追悔莫及裴先生的獨家復仇重生後我手撕綠茶閨蜜終不負三世之約閨蜜齊分手!上戀綜挑花眼開局十倍返現,分手後拿下前任閨蜜生命倒計時,高冷總裁妻子瘋狂報復我離婚後,惡毒女配火出了圈盛唐奇幻錄穿書送系統,炮灰腳踩綠茶上位六零隨軍,絕嗣大佬爆寵易孕嬌妻查出絕症當天,渣夫在給白月光過生日繫結交換系統後,上交國家當首富聽懂獸語後,惡女穩拿萬人迷劇本鬥破:魂天帝獨女,我為魂族少主繫結改字系統,瘋批男主跪求原諒貴族學院F4都是我的裙下臣浪蕩總裁的狠辣小嬌娘



“我看到一個小女孩在哭泣。” 月亮說,“她在為世界的墮落而哭泣。她收到了一個非常漂亮的洋娃娃作為禮物。哦,那是一個極好的洋娃娃,那麼美麗、精緻!她似乎不是為這個世界的悲傷而生的。但是小女孩的哥哥們,那些淘氣的大男孩,把洋娃娃高高地放在一棵樹的樹枝上然後跑開了。”

“I saw a little girl weeping,” said the moon; “she was weeping over the depravity of the world. She had received a most beautiful doll as a present. oh, that was a glorious doll, so fair and delicate! She did not seem created for the sorrows of this world. but the brothers of the little girl, those great naughty boys, had set the doll high up in the branches of a tree and had run away.”


“the little girl could not reach up to the doll, and could not help her down, and that is why she was crying.

洋娃娃肯定也在哭泣,因為她在綠色的樹枝間伸出雙臂,看起來非常悲傷。是的,這些就是小女孩經常聽說的生活中的煩惱。哎呀,可憐的洋娃娃!天已經開始變黑了;要是黑夜完全降臨怎麼辦!她要整晚都坐在樹枝上嗎?不,小女孩不能下定決心讓這種情況發生。“我會和你在一起。” 她說,儘管她心裡一點也不開心。

“the doll must certainly have been crying too, for she stretched out her arms among the green branches, and looked quite mournful. Yes, these are the troubles of life of which the little girl had often heard tell. Alas, poor doll! it began to grow dark already; and suppose night were to e on pletely! was she to be left sitting on the bough all night long? No, the little maid could not make up her mind to that. ‘I’ll stay with you,’ she said, although she felt anything but happy in her mind.


