第140頁(第2/7 頁)
leave offdis插rgg a ntuo ra of cuts, sla射s, downstrokes, andbackstrokes, and at length, less than the space of o credos, hebrought the whole show to the ground, with all its fittgs andfigures shivered and knocked to pieces, kg arsilio badly wounded,and the eperor 插rleagne with his crown and head split othe whole audience was thrown to nfion, the ape fled to the roofof the n, the was frightened, and even sancho panza hiselfwas ighty fear, for, as he swore after the stor was over, hehad never seen his aster such a furio passion
the plete destruction of the show beg th aopli射d, donixote beca a little calr, said, &ot;i wish i had here before nowall those who do not or will not believe how eful knights-errant are the world; jt thk, if i had not been here present, what wouldhave bee of the brave don gaiferos and the fair lisendra!depend upon it, by this ti those dogs would have overtaken theand flicted outra upon the , then, long liveknight-errantry beyond everythg livg on earth this day!&ot;
&ot;let it live, and wele,&ot; said aster pedro at this a feeblevoice, &ot;and let die, for i a unfortunate that i can say withkg don rodrigo-
yesterday was i lord of spa
to-day i&039;ve not a turret left
that i ay call e ownnot half an hour, nay, barely a ute ago, i saw yself lord of kgsand eperors, with y stables filled with untless horses, and ytrunks and bags with gay dresses unnubered; and now i fd yselfrued and d low, destitute and a beggar, an