第17頁(第4/7 頁)
said,&ot;those who e there are the bearers of chrysto&039;s body, and thefoot of that ounta is the place where he ordered the to bury hi&ot;they therefore ade haste to reach the spot, and did by the tithose who ca had d the bier upon the ground, and four of thewith sharp pickaxes were diggg a grave by the side of a hard rockthey greeted each other urteoly, and then don ixote and thosewho aopanied hi turned to exae the bier, and on it, veredwith flowers, they saw a dead body the dress of a 射pherd, toall appearance of one thirty years of a, and shog even deaththat life he had been of ely features and gallant beargaround hi on the bier itself were d books, and several paperpen and folded; and those who were lookg on as well as those whowere openg the grave and all the others who were there preserved astran silence, until one of those who had borne the body said toanother, &ot;observe carefully, abrosia if this is the placechrysto spoke of, sce you are anxio that what he directed his will should be strictly plied with&ot;
&ot;this is the place,&ot; answered abrosia &ot;for it any a ti did ypoor friend tell the story of his hard fortune here it was, hetold , that he saw for the first ti that ortal eney of the huanrace, and here, too, for the first ti he declared to her hispassion, as honourable as it was devoted, and here it was that at lastarcela ended by srng and rejectg hi as to brg the tradyof his wretched life to a close; here, ory of isfortunes great, he de