第43頁(第5/7 頁)
s were all that uld be pnly and perfectly deciphered this way, and sighg and callg on the fauns and satyrs of thewoods and the nyphs of the streas, and echo, oist and ournful,to answer, nle, and hear hi, as well as lookg for herbs tosta hi, he passed his ti until sancho&039;s return; and had thatbeen delayed three weeks, as it was three days, the knight of therueful untenance would have worn such an altered untenance thatthe other that bore hi would not have known hi: and here it will bewell to leave hi, wrapped up sighs and verses, to relate howsancho panza fared on his ission
as for hi, g out upon the high road, he ade for el tobo,and the next day reached the n where the ishap of the blanket hadbefallen hi as on as he regnised it he felt as if he were onceore livg through the air, and he uld not brg hiself to enterit though it was an hour when he ight well have done , for it wasdner-ti, and he lond to taste thg hot as it had been allld fare with hi for any days past this cravg drove hi todraw near to the n, still undecided whether to go or not, andas he was hesitatg there ca out o perns who at once regnisedhi, and said one to the other:
&ot;senor licentiate, is not he on the horse there sancho panza who,our adventurer&039;s hoekeeper told , went off with her aster asesire?&ot;
&ot; it is,&ot; said the licentiate, &ot;and that is our friend donixote&039;s horse;&ot; and if they knew hi well it was becae theywere the curate and the barber of his own