第38頁(第4/8 頁)
forpropriety&039;s sake to refe adission to his hoe, thisperhaps iitatg the parents of that thisbe celebrated by thepoets, and this refal but added love to love and fla to fla; forthough they enforced silence upon our tongues they uld not ipose itupon our pens, which can ake known the heart&039;s secrets to a loved oneore freely than tongues; for any a ti the presence of the objectof love shakes the first will and strikes dub the boldest tongueah heavens! how any letters did i write her, and how any datyodest replies did i receive! how any ditties and love-ngs did ipose which y heart declared and ade known its feelgs,described its ardent longgs, revelled its rellections anddallied with its desires! at length grog ipatient and feelg yheart languishg with longg to see her, i relved to put toexecution and carry out what seed to the best ode of ngy desired and rited reward, to ask her of her father for ylawful wife, which i did to this his answer was that he thanked for the disposition i showed to do honour to hi and to regardyself as honoured by the bestowal of his treasure; but that as yfather was alive it was his by right to ake this deand, for if iere not aordance with his full will and pleasure, scda wasnot to be taken or given by stealth i thanked hi for his kdness,reflectg that there was rean what he said, and that y fatherwould assent to it as on as i should tell hi, and with that viewi went the very sa stant to let hi know what y desires werewhen i entered the r