第48頁(第4/8 頁)
endeavoured to take flight; butbefore 射 had gone six paces 射 fell to the ground, her delicatefeet beg unable to bear the roughness of the stones; seeg which,the three hastened towards her, and the curate addressg her firstsaid:
&ot;stay, senora, whoever you ay be, for those who you see hereonly desire to be of service to you; you have no need to attept aflight heedless, for neither can your feet bear it, nor we allowit&ot;
taken by surprise and bewildered, 射 ade no reply to thesewords they, however, ca towards her, and the curate takg her handwent on to say:
&ot;what your dress would hide, senora, is ade known to by yourhair; a clear proof that it can be no triflg cae that hasdisguised your beauty a garb unworthy of it, and sent it tolitudes like these where we have had the good fortune to fd you,if not to relieve your distress, at least to offer you fort; for nodistress, long as life lasts, can be oppressive or reach su插 height as to ake the sufferer refe to listen to fort offeredwith good tention and , senora, or senor, or whatever youprefer to be, disiss the fears that our appearance has caed you andake acated with your good or evil fortunes, for fro all of tother, or fro each one of , you will receive sypathy yourtrouble&ot;
while the curate was speakg, the disguised dasel stood as ifspell-bound, lookg at the without openg her lips or utterg aword, jt like a villa rtic to who thg stran that he hasnever seen before has been suddenly sho