第12頁(第5/7 頁)
before a urt of jtice,however any hoicides he ay have itted?&ot;
&ot;i know nothg about ocils,&ot; answered sancho, &ot;nor y lifehave had anythg to do with one; i only know that the holybrotherhood looks after those who fight the fields, and thatother atter i do not ddle&ot;
&ot;then thou needst have no uneasess, y friend,&ot; said donixote, &ot;for i will deliver thee out of the hands of the 插ldeans,uch ore out of those of the brotherhood but tell , as thoulivest, hast thou seen a ore valiant knight than i all the knownworld; hast thou read history of any who has or had higher ttle attack, ore spirit atag it, ore dexterity woundgor skill overthrog?&ot;
&ot;the truth is,&ot; answered sancho, &ot;that i have never read anyhistory, for i can neither read nor write, but what i will ventureto bet is that a ore darg aster than your worship i have neverserved all the days of y life, and god grant that this darg benot paid for where i have said; what i beg of your worship is to dressyour wound, for a great deal of blood flows fro that ear, and ihave here lt and a little white otnt the alforjas&ot;
&ot;all that ight be well dispensed with,&ot; said don ixote, &ot;if i hadrebered to ake a vial of the balsa of fierabras, for ti anddice are saved by one sgle drop&ot;
&ot;what vial and what balsa is that?&ot; said sancho panza
&ot;it is a balsa,&ot; answered don ixote, &ot;the receipt of which i have y ory, with which one need have no