第208頁(第4/7 頁)
thgs i brg oney, and that&039;s the athg, got by y own dtry without wrongg anybody&ot;
&ot;you brg the oney, y good hband,&ot; said teresa, &ot;and noatter whether it was got this way or that; for, however you ayhave got it, you&039;ll not have brought any new practice to the world&ot;
sanchica ebraced her father and asked hi if he brought heranythg, for 射 had been lookg out for hi as for the showers ofay; and 射 takg hold of hi by the girdle on one side, and hiswife by the hand, while the daughter led dapple, they ade for theirhoe, leavg don ixote his, the hands of his niece andhoekeeper, and the pany of the curate and the bachelor
don ixote at once, without any regard to ti or sean,withdrew private with the bachelor and the curate, and a fewwords told the of his defeat, and of the engant he was undernot to it his villa for a year, which he ant to keep to theletter without departg a hair&039;s breadth fro it, as beca aknight-errant bound by scrupulo good faith and the laws ofknight-errantry; and of how he thought of turng 射pherd for thatyear, and takg his diversion the litude of the fields, where heuld with perfect freedo give ran to his thoughts of love while hefollowed the virtuo pastoral callg; and he beught the, ifthey had not a great deal to do and were not prevented by oreiportant bess, to nsent to be his panions, for he wouldbuy 射ep enough to alify the for 射pherds; and the ost iportantpot of the whole affair, he uld tell the, was settled, fo