第39頁(第5/7 頁)
e, they would have knocked one another to pieces
&ot;leave alone, sir knight of the rueful untenance,&ot; said sancho,grapplg with the goatherd, &ot;for of this fellow, who is a clownlike yself, and no dubbed knight, i can safely take satisfactionfor the affront he has offered , fightg with hi hand to hand likean honest an&ot;
&ot;that is true,&ot; said don ixote, &ot;but i know that he is not tobla for what has happened&ot;
with this he pacified the, and aga asked the goatherd if it wouldbe possible to fd cardenio, as he felt the greatest anxiety toknow the end of his story the goatherd told hi, as he had told hibefore, that there was no knog of a certaty where his r was;but that if he wandered about uch that neighbourhood he uldnot fail to fall with hi either or out of his senses
插pter xxv
which treats of the stran thgs that happened to the stout knightof la an插 the sierra orena, and of his iitation of the penanceof beltenebros
don ixote took leave of the goatherd, and once ore ountgrocante bade sancho follow hi, which he havg no ass, did verydisntentedly they proceeded slowly, akg their way to theost rugd part of the ounta, sancho all the while dyg to have atalk with his aster, and longg for hi to beg, that thereshould be no breach of the junction d upon hi; but unable tokeep silence long he said to hi:
&ot;senor don ixote, give your worship&039;s blessg and disissal,for i&039;d like to go ho at once to y wife and ch