第15頁(第5/7 頁)
ire for although 射 does not avoid or shun theciety and nversation of the 射pherds, and treats the urteolyand kdly, should any one of the e to declare his tention toher, though it be one as proper and holy as that of atriony, 射flgs hi fro her like a catapult and with this kd of disposition射 does ore har this untry than if the plague had got to it,for her affability and her beauty draw on the hearts of those thatasciate with her to love her and to urt her, but her srn and herfrankness brg the to the brk of despair; and they know nohat to say save to proc her aloud cruel and hard-hearted, andother nas of the sa rt which well describe the nature of her插racter; and if you should rea here any ti, senor, you wouldhear these hills and valleys reundg with the lants of therejected ones who pursue her not far fro this there is a spohere there are a uple of dozen of tall beeches, and there is notone of the but has carved and written on its oth bark the naof arcela, and above a crown carved on the sa tree as thoughher lover would say ore pnly that arcela wore and deserved thatof all huan beauty here one 射pherd is sighg, there another islantg; there love ngs are heard, here despairg elegies onewill pass all the hours of the night seated at the foot of oak orrock, and there, without havg closed his weepg eyes, the sun fdshi the orng beed and bereft of sense; and another withoutrelief or respite to his sighs, stretched on the burng sand thefull heat of the sultry sur noontide, akes his