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第7部分(第2/5 頁)

最新遊戲競技小說: 永劫:決賽替補開局爆殺絕代雙驕重生之李氏仙路穿越:逆襲籃球之星我的精靈訓練家模擬器姑娘使不得啊網遊:開局霸佔富豪榜!末世網遊:開局唯一超神級天賦影視編輯器我叫佐助,從火影首富制霸諸天無敵裝備修改器鬥羅世界的巫師網遊之暗黑風雲詭霧求生:我能返回現實世界足壇稱雄:我有系統稱霸歐陸足壇極限伏天我來自懲罰世界夢幻世界天堂地獄網遊之天地人間熱刺之魂CSGO教練我想學白給

ou a list of organizations when we get to my office。 What I want you to do is to h*e your team talk with the leaders of those organizations; governmental officials; scholars in the field in China; and professors from NYU and Columbia B School as well。 It would be better if you can h*e several of the leaders here to hold the discussion; and we could put it on air as the July’s special weekend night program。”(我對Rods先生談了一個提議,想讓你做一個跟中國的金融服務公司有關的節目,放在下個月週末的特別節目裡。你知道現在很多人對中國部分金融機構從國有向私有企業制轉變很感興趣。我想要你採訪一些企業的老總,政府官員,學者和這邊紐約大學和哥大商學院的教授,最好能夠請一些企業家美國來。我們可以在七月份週末晚間播出這個節目。)

“That sounds very interesting; but it certainly requires time for me to gather my resources to get to these people。”(這個主意很有意思,但是我可能需要花點時間去接觸這些人)我回答道。 txt小說上傳分享


“I surely know that。 That’s why I’m saying you will need to stay in China for a period of time。 Look; G; I am so sorry to h*e you tr*eling around so frequently last season; but you are the only one knows how to access to resources and information both here and in China。” (我當然知道。這就是為什麼我說你可以在中國待一段時間。我很抱歉上個季度讓你東奔西跑,但是你是唯一一個瞭解怎樣在中國和美國去獲取資訊的人。)Sarah說得很誠懇。我們走進她的辦公室,她示意我坐下,並遞給了我一份列印的名單:”I let Patrick h*e this ready before your arrival。 The list includes all the organizations in Beijing; Shanghai and Shenzhen that would fit our topic。 You can h*e your own selection based on your profession; but there are certain orgs that we definitely want to h*e their opinions on this issue。 I h*e highlighted them for you。 “(我讓Patrick務必在你來之前把這個準備好。這上面又在北京上海深


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