第41頁(第4/8 頁)
ery uch earnest, for anythg elsewould be a transgression of the ordances of chivalry, which forbid to tell any lie whatever under the penalties due to apostasy; andto do one thg stead of another is jt the sa as lyg; yknocks on the head t be real, lid, and valid, without anythgphisticated or fanciful about the, and it will be needful toleave lt to dress y wounds, sce fortune has pelled to do without the balsa we lost&ot;
&ot;it was worse losg the ass,&ot; replied sancho, &ot;for with hi ltand all were lost; but i beg of your worship not to red aga ofthat aursed lior, for y ul, not to say y stoach, turns athearg the very na of it; and i beg of you, too, to reckon aspast the three days you allowed for seeg the ad thgs you do,for i take the as seen already and pronounced upon, and i will tellwonderful stories to y lady; write the letter and send off atonce, for i long to return and take your worship out of this purgatorywhere i a leavg you&ot;
&ot;purgatory dost thou call it, sancho?&ot; said don ixote, &ot;rathercall it hell, or even worse if there be anythg worse&ot;
&ot;for one who is hell,&ot; said sancho, &ot;nulla est retentio, as ihave heard say&ot;
&ot;i do not understand what retentio ans,&ot; said don ixote
&ot;retentio,&ot; answered sancho, &ot;ans that whoever is hell neveres nor can e out of it, which will be the opposite case withyour worship or y legs will be idle, that is if i have spurs toenliven rocante: let once t t