首頁 > 遊戲競技 > flipped over > 第3部分

第3部分(第3/8 頁)

最新遊戲競技小說: 大家都養寵獸,你讓寵獸養你?穿進斬神跑團,我竟然成神了?宿敵就是宿敵啊!誰喊妻子誰是狗高武:從末世開始勇者之境:以無敵特性壓制全場給將軍送糧後,竟成了我的小嬌夫鎧甲:這個召喚人正得發邪!原神:在提瓦特養老加入了聊天群HP時間的饋贈HP:詹姆的妹妹斯內普的娃無限流的末日火影:我在忍界開宗立派想做的從來就不是朋友全民領主:變身成為亡靈女王絕區零:我是個很普通的人我是無限次元世界的最後修仙者海島求生:生死競技場這位Enigma,請帶好娃星辰征途:探索地外生命體霍格沃茲:叫我黑魔王,伏地魔跪

elly Stalls came into the picture。 Shelly Stalls is a ninny。 A whiny;

gossipy; backstabbing ninny who says one thing to one

person and the opposite to another。 Now that we're in junior high; she's the undisputed diva

of drama; but even back in elementary school she knew

how to put on a performance。 Especially when it came to P。E。 I never once saw her run laps

or do calisthenics。 Instead; she would go into her

“delicate” act; claiming her body would absolutely collapse from the strain if she ran or

jumped or stretched。

It worked。 Every year。 She'd bring in some note and be sure to swoon a little for the teacher

the first few days of the year; after which she'd be

excused from anything that required muscles。 She never even put up her own chair at the

end of the day。 The only muscles she exercised regularly

were the ones around her mouth; and those she worked out nonstop。 If there was an

Olympic contest for talking; Shelly Stalls would sweep the

event。 Well; she'd at least win the gold and silver— one medal for each side of her mouth。

What bugged me about it was not the fact that she got out of P。E。—who'd want her on their

team; anyway? What bugged me about it was that

anyone who bothered to look would know that it wasn't asthma or weak ankles or her being

“delicate” that was stopping her。 It was her hair。 She

had mountains of it; twisted this way 

