第151頁(第1/7 頁)
&ot;to be sure they don&039;t lie!&ot; excd dona rodriguez, the duenna,who was one of the listeners &ot;why, there&039;s a ballad that says theyput kg rodrigo alive to a tob full of toads, and adders, andlizards, and that o days afterwards the kg, a pntive, feeblevoice, cried out fro with the tob-
they gnaw now, they gnaw now,
there where i ost did sand aordg to that the ntlean has good rean to say he wouldrather be a labourg an than a kg, if ver are to eat hi&ot;
the duchess uld not help laughg at the siplicity of her duenna,or wonderg at the langua and proverbs of sancho, to who 射 said,&ot;worthy sancho knows very well that when once a knight has ade aproise he strives to keep it, though it should st hi his lifey lord and hband the duke, though not one of the errant rt, isnone the less a knight for that rean, and will keep his word aboutthe proised island, spite of the envy and alice of the world letsancho he of good cheer; for when he least expects it he will fdhiself seated on the throne of his island and seat of dignity, andwill take possession of his governnt that he ay discard it foranother of three-bordered brocade the 插r i give hi is to becareful how he governs his vassals, bearg d that they areall loyal and well-born&ot;
&ot;as to governg the well,&ot; said sancho, &ot;there&039;s no need of插rgg to do that, for i&039; kd-hearted by nature, and full ofpassion for the poor; there&039;s no stealg the loaf fro hi whokneads and bakes