第134頁(第5/8 頁)
little, but a burni射d poniard sharperthan an awl&ot;
&ot;that poniard t have been ade by raon de hoces thesevillian,&ot; said sancho
&ot;i do not know,&ot; said don ixote; &ot;it uld not have been by thatponiard aker, however, becae raon de hoces was a an of yesterday,and the affair of roncesvalles, where this ishap ourred, was longago; but the estion is of no great iportance, nor does it affect orake any alteration the truth or substance of the story&ot;
&ot;that is true,&ot; said the ; &ot;ntue, senor don ixote, for ia listeng to you with the greatest pleasure the world&ot;
&ot;and with no less do i tell the tale,&ot; said don ixote; &ot;and , roceed- the venerable ontes led to the palace of crystal,where, a lower 插ber, stranly ol and entirely of alabaster,was an elaborately wrought arble tob, upon which i beheld, stretchedat full length, a knight, not of bronze, or arble, or jasper, asare seen on other tobs, but of actual flesh and bone his righthand (which seed to what hairy and sewy, a sign of greatstrength its owner) lay on the side of his heart; but before iuld put any estion to ontes, he, seeg gazg at the tob aazent, said to , &039;this is y friend durandarte, flower andirror of the true lovers and valiant knights of his ti he i射ld en插nted here, as i yself and any others are, by that frenchen插nter rl, who, they say, was the devil&039;s n; but y beliefis, not that he was the devil&039;s n, but that he knew, as the saygis, a pot ore t