第203頁(第4/7 頁)
thy praises sgg still shall hold its way,
and ake the waters of oblivion stay
at this pot one of the o that looked like kgs excd,&ot;enough, enough, dive sr! it would be an endless task to putbefore now the death and the 插rs of the peerless altisidora, notdead as the ignorant world ias, but livg the voice of faand the penance which sancho panza, here present, has to undergo torestore her to the long-lost light do thou, therefore, orhadaanth, who sittest judgnt with the urky cavernf dis, as thou knowest all that the scrutable fates have decreedtouchg the rescitation of this dasel, announce and declare itat once, that the happess we look forward to fro her restoration beno lonr deferred&ot;
no oner had os the fellow jud of rhadaanth said this, thanrhadaanth risg up said:
&ot;ho, officials of this hoe, high and low, great and sall, akehaste hither one and all, and prt on sancho&039;s face four-and-entysacks, and give hi elve pches and six p thrts the backand ars; for upon this cereony depends the restoration ofaltisidora&ot;
on hearg this sancho broke silence and cried out, &ot;by all that&039;sgood, i&039;ll as on let y face be sacked or handled as turn oorbody o&039; ! what has handlg y face got to do with theresurrection of this dasel? &039;the old woan took kdly to theblits; they en插nt dulcea, and whip order to disen插nther; altisidora dies of ailnts god was pleased to send her, and tobrg her to life aga they t give four