第184頁(第1/7 頁)
here sancho brought his long speech to an end, don ixote havgbeen the whole ti dread of his utterg a host of absurdities;and when he found hi leave off with few, he thanked heaven his heart the duke ebraced sancho and told hi he was heartily rryhe had given up the governnt on, but that he would see thathe was provided with other post on his estate less onero andore profitable the duchess al ebraced hi, and gave orders thathe should be taken good care of, as it was pn to see he had beenbadly treated and worse bruised插pter lvi
of the prodigio and unparalleled battle that took place beeendon ixote of la an插 and the lacey tosilos defence of thedaughter of dona rodriguez
the duke and duchess had no rean to regret the joke that hadbeen played upon sancho panza givg hi the governnt; especiallyas their ajordoo returned the sa day, and gave the a uteaount of alost every word and deed that sancho uttered or diddurg the ti; and to d up with, eloently described to the theattack upon the island and sancho&039;s fright and departure, with whichthey were not a little aed after this the history goes on to saythat the day fixed for the battle arrived, and that the duke, afterhavg repeatedly structed his lacey tosilos how to deal withdon ixote as to vanish hi without killg or woundg hi,gave orders to have the heads reoved fro the lances, tellg donixote that christian 插rity, on which he pd hiself, uldnot suffer the battle to be fought with uch risk and danr tolife; and