第173頁(第1/7 頁)
&ot;what say you to this?&ot; asked sancho the other replied that all hisantagonist said was true, and that he did not choose to give hiore than four reals becae he very often gave hi oney; and thatthose who expected presents ought to be civil and take what is giventhe with a cheerful untenance, and not ake any c agasners unless they know the for certa to be sharpers and theirngs to be unfairly won; and that there uld be no better proofthat he hiself was an honest an than his havg refed to giveanythg; for sharpers always pay tribute to lookers-on who know the
&ot;that is true,&ot; said the ajordoo; &ot;let your worship nsiderwhat is to be done with these n&ot;
&ot;what is to be done,&ot; said sancho, &ot;is this; you, the ner, be yougood, bad, or different, give this assailant of yours a hundredreals at once, and you t disburse thirty ore for the poorprers; and you who have neither profession nor property, andhang about the island idleness, take these hundred reals now, and ti of the day to-orrow it the island under sentence ofbanishnt for ten years, and under pa of pletg it anotherlife if you violate the sentence, for i&039;ll hang you on a gibbet, or atleast the hangan will by y orders; not a word fro either of you, ori&039;ll ake hi feel y hand&ot;
the one paid down the oney and the other took it, and the latteritted the island, while the other went ho; and then the governorsaid, &ot;either i a not good for uch, or i&039;ll t rid of thesegablg ho