第159頁(第1/7 頁)
&ot;for gog othly and easily,&ot; said sancho at this, &ot;give ydapple, though he can&039;t go through the air; but on the ground i&039;llback hi agast all the ablers the world&ot;
they all laughed, and the distressed one ntued: &ot;and this sahorse, if be that alabruno is disposed to put an end to oursuffergs, will be here before ere the night shall have advancedhalf an hour; for he announced to that the sign he would give whereby i ight know that i had found the knight i was est of,would be to send the horse wherever he ight be, speedily andproptly&ot;
&ot;and how any is there roo for on this horse?&ot; asked sancho
&ot;o,&ot; said the distressed one, &ot;one the saddle, and the other onthe croup; and nerally these o are knight and sire, when thereis no dasel that&039;s beg carried off&ot;
&ot;i&039;d like to know, senora distressed one,&ot; said sancho, &ot;what is thena of this horse?&ot;
&ot;his na,&ot; said the distressed one, &ot;is not the sa asbellerophon&039;s horse that was called pegas, or alexander the great&039;s,called bucephas, or orlando furio&039;s, the na of which wasbrigliador, nor yet bayard, the horse of realdos of ontalvan, norfronto like ruggiero&039;s, nor bootes or peritoa, as they say thehorses of the sun were called, nor is he called orelia, like the horseon which the unfortunate rodrigo, the last kg of the goths, rodeto the battle where he lost his life and his kgdo&ot;
&ot;i&039;ll bet,&ot; s