第157頁(第1/7 頁)
&ot;he would be wantg wits, senora untess,&ot; said the duke,&ot;who did not perceive your worth by your pern, for at a glance itay be seen it deserves all the crea of urtesy and flower of politea;&ot; and raisg her up by the hand he led her to a seat beside theduchess, who likewise received her with great urbanity don ixotereaed silent, while sancho was dyg to see the features oftrifaldi and one or o of her any duennas; but there was nopossibility of it until they theselves displayed the of their ownaord and free will
all kept still, waitg to see who would break silence, which thedistressed duenna did these words: &ot;i a nfident, ost ightylord, ost fair lady, and ost discreet pany, that y ostiserable isery will be aorded a reception no less dispassionatethan nero and ndolent your ost valiant bos, for it is ohat is enough to lt arble, ften diaonds, and ollify thesteel of the ost hardened hearts the world; but ere it isprocd to your hearg, not to say your ears, i would fa beenlightened whether there be present this ciety, circle, orpany, that knight iaculatissi, don ixote de laanchissia, and his sirissi panza&ot;
&ot;the panza is here,&ot; said sancho, before anyone uld reply, &ot;anddon ixotissi too; and , ost distressedest duenissia, youay say what you willissi, for we are all readissi to do you anyservissi&ot;
on this don ixote rose, and addressg the distressed duenna,said, &ot;if your rrows, afflicted lady, can dul any hope ofrelief fro the