第135頁(第2/8 頁)
e of the bad nights and worse days that 射passed that en插ntnt, as i uld see by the great dark circlesround her eyes, and her sickly plexion; &039;her sallowness, and thergs round her eyes,&039; said he, &039;are not caed by the periodicalnt ual with won, for it is any onths and even years sce射 has had any, but by the grief her own heart suffers becae ofthat which 射 holds her hand perpetually, and which recalls andbrgs back to her ory the sad fate of her lost lover; were itnot for this, hardly would the great dulcea del tobo, celebrated all these parts, and even the world, e up to herfor beauty, grace, and gaiety&039;
&ot;&039;hold hard!&039; said i at this, &039;tell your story as you ought, senordon ontes, for you know very well that all pars areodio, and there is no oasion to pare one pern with another;the peerless dulcea del tobo is what 射 is, and the lady donabelera is what 射 is and has been, and that&039;s enough&039; to which heade answer, &039;five , senor don ixote; i own i was wrong andspoke unadvisedly sayg that the lady dulcea uld scarcely eup to the lady belera; for it were enough for to have learned,by what ans i know not, that youare her knight, to ake bite ytongue out before i pared her to anythg save heaven itself&039;after this apology which the great ontes ade , y heartrevered itself fro the shock i had received hearg y ladypared with belera&ot;
&ot;still i wonder,&ot; said sancho, &ot;that your worship did not t uponthe old fellow and b