第132頁(第2/7 頁)
iracle, no iracle;only a trick, a trick!&ot; the priest, perplexed and aazed, ade hasteto exae the wound with both hands, and found that the blade hadpassed, not through basilio&039;s flesh and ribs, but through a hollowiron tube full of blood, which he had adroitly fixed at the place, theblood, as was afterwards ascertaed, havg been prepared as notto nal short, the priest and caacho and ost of those presentsaw they were tricked and ade fools of the bride showed no signf displeasure at the deception; on the ntrary, hearg the saythat the arria, beg fraudulent, would not be valid, 射 said that射 nfird it afresh, whence they all ncded that the affair hadbeen planned by agreent and understandg beeen the pair,whereat caacho and his supporters were ortified that theyproceeded to reven theselves by violence, and a great nuber ofthe drag their swords attacked basilio, whose protection asany ore swords were an stant un射athed, while don ixotetakg the lead on horseback, with his lance over his ar and wellvered with his shield, ade all give way before hi sancho, whonever found any pleasure or enjoynt such dogs, retreated to thee-jars fro which he had taken his delectable skigs,nsiderg that, as a holy place, that spot would be respected
&ot;hold, sirs, hold!&ot; cried don ixote a loud voice; &ot;we have noright to take venance for wrongs that love ay do to : reberlove and war are the sa thg, and as war it is allowable andon to ake e of wiles and stratas to overe the eney, t