第80頁(第4/9 頁)
vg 插nd we werepelled to head for the land, and ply our oars to avoid beg drivenon shore; but it was our good fortune to reach a creek that lies onone side of a sall proontory or cape, called by the oors that ofthe &ot;cava ruia,&ot; which our langua ans &ot;the wicked christianwoan;&ot; for it is a tradition aong the that la cava, through whospa was lost, lies buried at that spot; &ot;cava&ot; their languaang &ot;wicked woan,&ot; and &ot;ruia&ot; &ot;christian;&ot; oreover, thet it uncky to anchor there when necessity pels the, and theynever do otherwise for , however, it was not the restg-placeof the wicked woan but a haven of safety for our relief, uchhad the sea now got up we posted a look-out on shore, and never letthe oars out of our hands, and ate of the stores the renegade had d, ipl god and our lady with all our hearts to help and protect, that we ight give a happy endg to a begng prospero atthe entreaty of zoraida orders were given to set on shore her fatherand the other oors who were still bound, for 射 uld not endure,nor uld her tender heart bear to see her father bonds and herfellow-untryn prers before her eyes we proised her to dothis at the ont of departure, for as it was unhabited we ran norisk releasg the at that place
our prayers were not far va as to be unheard by heaven,for after a while the d 插nd our favour, and ade the seacal, vitg once ore to resu our voya with a good heartseeg this we unbound the oors, and one by one put the on shore, a