第34頁(第3/7 頁)
u,sir, have anythg to give , give it to at once, and god speedyou, for you are beg tire with all this isitiveness aboutthe lives of others; if you want to know about e, let tell you ia s de pasaonte, whose life is written by these frs&ot;
&ot;he says true,&ot; said the issary, &ot;for he has hiself written hisstory as grand as you please, and has left the book the pr pawn for o hundred reals&ot;
&ot;and i an to take it out of pawn,&ot; said s, &ot;though it were for o hundred ducats&ot;
&ot;is it good?&ot; said don ixote
&ot; good is it,&ot; replied s, &ot;that a fig for &039;lazarillo detors,&039; and all of that kd that have been written, or shall bewritten pared with it: all i will say about it is that it dealswith facts, and facts neat and divertg that no lies uld atchthe&ot;
&ot;and how is the book entitled?&ot; asked don ixote
&ot;the &039;life of s de pasaonte,&039;&ot; replied the subject of it
&ot;and is it fi射d?&ot; asked don ixote
&ot;how can it be fi射d,&ot; said the other, &ot;when y life is not yetfi射d? all that is written is fro y birth down to the pohen they sent to the galleys this last ti&ot;
&ot;then you have been there before?&ot; said don ixote
&ot; the service of god and the kg i have been there for four yearsbefore now, and i know by this ti what the biscuit and urbashare like,&ot; replied s; &ot;and it is no great grievance to to goback to the, for there i shall have ti to fish