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第159章 物資到(第1/2 頁)

最新其他小說小說: 夢迴1949,列強就是用來坑的系統拉我,為太子打工!凰女歸來,她攜空間御獸殺敵我靠吃利息,建立詭神世界都市平凡小道士虎哥人柱力,我的寫輪眼太髒了開局穿越成琪莎拉來到DM世界悠遊仙蹤原神:誰也別想阻止我養老末日來襲,一家三口要整整齊齊面首上位指南幽冥詭事之錄四合院:從51年開始錯位的月光冷衣新生代之奧特反派之旅人在原神無限輪迴被仙宮拋棄後我能讀心了崩壞:世界蛇團建的我在長空被拐女穿男:給女主們一個家

但很快就有其他醫生說道:“How can we do what you say without protective clothing, professional equipment, not enough masks, and there will be bombing here at any time, and by that time, the scene will be chaotic and pletely uncontrollable.”(沒有防護服,專業的裝置,沒有足夠的口罩,我們如何能做到您說的那樣,而且這裡隨時都會發生轟炸,到那時候,場面混亂,完全控制不了。)

宋知聿知道在場的人的顧慮,但他來到這裡就是做好了所有的準備,看著在座的所有人,面對大家的質疑,宋知聿沒有一點的後退和猶豫,淡聲說道:“Protective clothing, masks, medicines, these will be available. We have already declared a batch of medical supplies before we came, and we can solve these problems for the time being, as for the safety issues you mentioned.”(防護服,口罩,藥品,這些都會有。我們在來之前就已經申報了一批醫療用品,各位,這些問題我們暫時都可以解決,至於你們說的安全問題。)

身後的醫生遞上一張地區地圖,宋知聿將這張地區地圖攤開放在桌子的中間。早在來來之前他們就探討過這個問題,當槍戰發生,炮彈落下,人們為了活命不可能不跑,所以 就必須就近找到一個安全隱蔽的地方。


宋知聿指著地圖上的一處地方,又拿出一張建築設計圖,開口說道:“This place, the terrain is special, located in this hospital is just one kilometer, and this location, we have checked the relevant information, in the early years, this place built an air-raid shelter, and the area is not less than 200 square meters, and this is only a small part.”(這個地方,地形特殊,距這個醫院就一公里,而這個位置,我們查過相關資料,早年間,這個地方修築過一個防空洞,且面積不小於兩百平,而這只是一小部分。)

接著宋知聿又在外圍一圈畫了畫,繼續說道:“Both buildings have bomb shelters built on the basement floor, which are not only identical, but also large enough and, most importantly, hidden. The town is surrounded by mountains, and these two buildings are already on the edge, with the entrance of the air-raid shelt
