首頁 > 遊戲競技 > flipped 電影 > 第12部分

第12部分(第4/8 頁)

最新遊戲競技小說: 遊戲?歡迎來到不義之地!馬下一換一,馬上我無敵如懿傳:我要的豈止是中宮之位骨癮第四天災遊戲異界大唐醫女:穿越後我開掛了快穿:開局契約四大獵鎧獸火影:宇智波家的團寵大小姐四合院:劉家長子劉光齊我,EDG頂級救世主!一支叫做凱特林鎮的小球隊網王:我跌入了精市懷裡輪迴遊戲:開局核平霓虹島國!遊戲異界:氣運之子天道遊戲之最強玩家網遊:我!唯一內測玩家全民轉職:開局散人,技能超進化非酋在荒野求生遊戲成為一方大佬煉器師弱?起手傳說級外骨骼裝甲修仙遊戲反饋,我打造無敵宗門!

my desk and here's my window; and

right across the street from me is Juli; beating up a

bush。 Not conducive to concentration。 No siree; Bob。 I got all of zero homework done。

The next day at school I was trying to get up the nerve to say something to her; but I never

even got the chance。 She wouldn't let me get anywhere

near her。

Then on the ride home I had this thought。 It kind of freaked me out at first; but the more I

played with it; the more I figured that; yeah; helping her

with the yard would make up for my having been such a jerk。 Assuming she didn't boss me

too much; and assuming she didn't decide to get all

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gooey…eyed or something stupid like that。 No; I'd go up and just tell her that I felt bad for

being a jerk and I wanted to make it up to her by helping her

cut back some bushes。 Period。 End of story。 And if she still wanted to be mad at me after

that; then fine。 That was her problem。

My problem was; I never got the chance。 I came trekking down from the bus stop to find my

grandfather doing my good deed。

Now; jump back。 This was not something I could immediately absorb。 My grandfather did not

do yard work。 At least; he'd never offered to help

me out。 My grandfather lived in house slippers — where'd he get those work boots? And

those jeans and that flannel shirt — what was up with


I crouched be

