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第9部分(第1/6 頁)

最新遊戲競技小說: 爭論王國:兒童的奇思妙想世界如懿傳衛嬿婉重生之浴血而歸重生:股市大鱷李明怪誕世界求生:我有一輛蒸汽房車求生:開局萬人屠但我是個好人似影是婙她華國人,異世求生當然秒殺全場超能力學院沒我不行絕美御獸師每天都在發癲開狂暴日常生活工作學習知識積累大將軍是九千歲心尖寵皇帝哭暈了【凹凸】天上掉個小金毛斬神:召喚呆毛王后,我直接無敵無畏契約:這個入是桂啊!新世紀福音戰士,在維修部的故事乒乓:師承張藏獒續寫國乒榮耀網王之幸村精市的小網友超厲害的前世不知老婆好,重生糾纏要抱抱末世武裝機動車:鐵人三項行動你是說吸血鬼在名柯開深夜食堂?

For undergraduate; we usually get them to write something that is sound; well…quoted in literature and the question is reasonable; that a scholar would ask。 Generally speaking; undergraduates don’t know how to do these things for their long essays in senior year。

C: What does a foreign student need to know about doing research in the United States?

D: Sometimes there is a particular difficulty for some cultures。 People from those cultures are accustomed to rote learning(死記硬背的學習)。 I see it’s very mon that they always memorize things and spell them out again。 They have to be broken of that because American learning is not a rote learning; maybe it should be for the earlier grades; like elementary and high schools with language and math。 But by the time they are 18 or 20; there should not be too much rote learning; but for some cultures; that’s difficult and it’s a shock for them。

Also; you have to know how to use resources in the ; how to use library and how to use professors。 The latter one is important and you have to know some munication skills to get help and instructions from professors。書包 網 。 想看書來

中國學生: 走出自己的圈子(2)

C: I think the relations between professors and students in the States are different from that in China。

D: How is that?

C: When I’m talking to you; I somehow feel like talking to a friend; more casually and frankly。 When I was in China; I always felt a gap confronting a professor。

D: I’m not unique in 

嫖盡渣男[重生]移動迷宮[綜]我覺得我的鄰居是基佬高冷校花難追,可為啥主動追我了戀愛出乎意料斜陽若影 第四部 西江斜陽