第66頁(第3/8 頁)
射s? when were not thy professions oflove sternly and srnfully rejected and rebuked? when were thyfreent pleds and still ore freent gifts believed or aepted?but as i a persuaded that no one can long persevere the attept to love unstaed by hope, i a willg to attribute to yselfthe bla of thy assurance, for no doubt thoughtlessness ofe has all this ti fostered thy hopes; and therefore will i punishyself and flict upon yself the penalty thy guilt deserves andthat thou ayest see that beg relentless to yself i cannotpossibly be otherwise to thee, i have suoned thee to be a witness ofthe sacrifice i an to offer to the jured honour of y honouredhband, wrond by thee with all the assiduity thou wert capableof, and by too through want of caution avoidg everyoasion, if i have given any, of enuragg and sanctiong thy basedesigns once ore i say the spicion y d that iprudenceof e has enndered these lawless thoughts thee, is whatcaes ost distress and what i desire ost to punish with y ownhands, for were any other strunt of punishnt eployed y erroright bee perhaps ore widely known; but before i do , ydeath i an to flict death, and take with one that will fullysatisfy y longg for the reven i hope for and have; for i shallsee, whereever it ay be that i go, the penalty awarded byflexible, unswervg jtice on hi who has placed aposition desperate&ot;
as 射 uttered these words, with credible energy and swiftness 射flew upon lothario with the naked dagr, anifestly bent onburyg it