首頁 > 遊戲競技 > flipped清潔劑 > 第30部分

第30部分(第1/4 頁)

最新遊戲競技小說: 火影改變從成為人柱力開始足球:門將,開局融合布馮諾伊爾武俠遊戲:只有我知道劇情網遊之命運邪神讓你打NBA,誰讓你泡女星?殺怪掠奪屬性點,這一世我無敵了紅魔主教練網遊:魅力值點太高,怪看我的眼神有點不對為了實習證明向魔王發起衝鋒流量型前鋒,復興慕尼黑1860王者:兩局遊戲榮登出生榜榜首校園電競:這座城市的王者誕生足球風雲至尊穿越18歲,我成了CF高手網遊之我有一箭可弒神NBA:冠軍之王最強領主:我,天使與亡靈之主網遊:開局滿星賬號,爆殺全服路法歸,遇端木!夢幻西遊:簽到打卡就能無敵

some time to get over all those years of having liked him。”

Mom sat there for the longest time; biting her cheek。 Then she said; “People do change; you

know。 Maybe he's had some revelations lately; too。

And frankly; any boy who tries to kiss a girl in front of a room full of other kids does not sound

like a coward to me。” She stroked my hair and

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whispered; “Maybe there's more to Bryce Loski than you know。”

Then she left me alone with my thoughts。

My mother knew I needed time to think; but Bryce wouldn't leave me alone。 He kept calling

on the phone and knocking on the door。 He even snuck

around the house and tapped on my window! Every time I turned around; there he was;

pestering me。

I wanted to be able to water the yard in peace。 I wanted not to have to avoid him at school or

have Darla run block for me。 Why didn't he

understand that I wasn't interested in what he had to say? What could he possibly have to


Was it so much to ask just to be left alone?

Then this afternoon I was reading a book in the front room with the curtains drawn; hiding

from him as I had all week; when I heard a noise in the

yard。 I peeked outside and there was Bryce; walking across my grass。 Stomping all over my

grass! And he was carrying a spade! What was he

planning to do with that?

I flew off the couch and yanked open the door 
