首頁 > 遊戲競技 > 簡愛英文版第二章內容概括 > 第10部分

第10部分(第1/8 頁)

最新遊戲競技小說: 航海玫瑰全民永夜:只有我能看到彈幕提示網遊:我靠遊戲幣就能變強九幽生死簿海上求生,普通的我竟然成了強者別人玩遊戲,我修仙無職法師網遊之止戈三國海島求生,從每日情報開始無限流:漂亮NPC只想完成任務戶外見聞錄星啟:餘生與你的宿命之旅電競之巔峰榮耀海賊王之冰霜王座海賊的航海王者:從第一下飯主播到全能之神開局朱八模板,打遍NBA無敵手網遊:我有可成長技能永劫:開局主力累了,我是替補榮耀之巔:女神奪冠之路

on for an hour; writing and arithmetic succeeded; and music lessons were given by Miss Temple to some of the elder girls。 The duration of each lesson was measured by the clock; which at last struck twelve。 The superintendent rose—

“I have a word to address to the pupils;” said she。

The tumult of cessation from lessons was already breaking forth; but it sank at her voice。 She went on—

“You had this morning a breakfast which you could not eat; you must be hungry:—I have ordered that a lunch of bread and cheese shall be served to all。”

The teachers looked at her with a sort of surprise。

“It is to be done on my responsibility;” she added; in an explanatory tone to them; and immediately afterwards left the room。

The bread and cheese was presently brought in and distributed; to the high delight and refreshment of the whole school。 The order was now given “To the garden!” Each put on a coarse straw bon; with strings of coloured calico; and a cloak of grey frieze。 I was similarly equipped; and; following the stream; I made my way into the open air。

The garden was a wide inclosure; surrounded with walls so high as to exclude every glimpse of prospect; a covered verandah ran down one side; and broad walks bordered a middle space divided into scores of little beds: these beds were assigned as gardens for the pupils to cultivate; and each bed had an owner。 When full of flowers they would doubtless look pretty; but now; at the latter en
