首頁 > 遊戲競技 > flipped作者 > 第6部分

第6部分(第3/8 頁)

最新遊戲競技小說: 遊戲?歡迎來到不義之地!馬下一換一,馬上我無敵如懿傳:我要的豈止是中宮之位骨癮第四天災遊戲異界大唐醫女:穿越後我開掛了快穿:開局契約四大獵鎧獸火影:宇智波家的團寵大小姐四合院:劉家長子劉光齊我,EDG頂級救世主!一支叫做凱特林鎮的小球隊網王:我跌入了精市懷裡輪迴遊戲:開局核平霓虹島國!遊戲異界:氣運之子天道遊戲之最強玩家網遊:我!唯一內測玩家全民轉職:開局散人,技能超進化非酋在荒野求生遊戲成為一方大佬煉器師弱?起手傳說級外骨骼裝甲修仙遊戲反饋,我打造無敵宗門!

r the view。 I kept

thinking of what it felt like to be up so high in that tree。

I wanted to see it; to feel it; again。 And again。

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It wasn't long before I wasn't afraid of being up so high and found the spot that became my

spot。 I could sit there for hours; just looking out at the

world。 Sunsets were amazing。 Some days they'd be purple and pink; some days they'd be a

blazing orange; setting fire to clouds across the


It was on a day like that when my father's notion of the whole being greater than the sum of

its parts moved from my head to my heart。 The view

from my sycamore was more than rooftops and clouds and wind and colors bined。

It was magic。

And I started marveling at how I was feeling both humble and majestic。 How was that

possible? How could I be so full of peace and full of

wonder? How could this simple tree make me feel so plex? So alive。

I went up the tree every chance I got。 And in junior high that became almost every day

because the bus to our school picks up on Collier Street;

right in front of the sycamore tree。

At first I just wanted to see how high I could get before the bus pulled up; but before long I

was leaving the house early so I could get clear up to

my spot to see the sun rise; or the birds flutter about; or just the other kids converge on the


I tried to convince t

