第20頁(第5/8 頁)
o castlewhere i ay be cured of y wounds and oreover i shall not hold itany dishonour to be ounted, for i reber havg read how thegood old silen, the tutor and structor of the gay god of laughter,when he entered the city of the hundred gates, went very ntentedlyounted on a hand ass&ot;
&ot;it ay be true that he went ounted as your worship says,&ot; answeredsancho, &ot;but there is a great difference beeen gog ounted andgog sng like a sack of anure&ot;
to which don ixote replied, &ot;wounds received battle nferhonour stead of takg it away; and , friend panza, say no ore,but, as i told thee before, t up as well as thou canst and put on of thy beast whatever fashion pleases thee best, and let go hence ere night e on and surprise these wilds&ot;
&ot;and yet i have heard your worship say,&ot; observed panza, &ot;that it isvery et for knights-errant to sleep wastes and deserts, andthat they estee it very good fortune&ot;
&ot;that is,&ot; said don ixote, &ot;when they cannot help it, or when theyare love; and true is this that there have been knights who havereaed o years on rocks, sunshe and shade and all theclencies of heaven, without their ladies knog anythg of it;and one of these was aadis, when, under the na of beltenebros, hetook up his abode on the pena pobre for -i know not if it was eightyears or eight onths, for i a not very sure of the reckong; at anyrate he stayed there dog penance for i know not what pie theprcess oriana had agast hi