第23頁(第5/8 頁)
worship to aven of any wrong, becae when anyis done i can take what venance sees good to ; the onlythg i want is that you pay the sre that you have run up the n last night, as well for the straw and barley for your obeasts, as for supper and beds&ot;
&ot;then this is an n?&ot; said don ixote
&ot;and a very respectable one,&ot; said the nkeeper
&ot;i have been under a istake all this ti,&ot; answered don ixote,&ot;for truth i thought it was a castle, and not a bad one; butsce it appears that it is not a castle but an n, all that can bedone now is that you should exce the paynt, for i cannotntravene the rule of knights-errant, of who i know as a fact (andup to the present i have read nothg to the ntrary) that they neverpaid for lodgg or anythg else the n where they ight be;for any hospitality that ight be offered the is their due by law andright return for the sufferable toil they endure seekgadventures by night and by day, sur and ter, on foot andon horseback, hunr and thirst, ld and heat, exposed to allthe clencies of heaven and all the hardships of earth&ot;
&ot;i have little to do with that,&ot; replied the nkeeper; &ot;pay whatyou owe , and let have no ore talk of chivalry, for all i careabout is to t y oney&ot;
&ot;you are a stupid, scurvy nkeeper,&ot; said don ixote, andputtg spurs to rocante and brgg his pike to the slope herode out of the n before anyone uld s hi, and pu射d on distance without lookg to see if his sire was f