第70頁(第2/7 頁)
f by her eyesthat it was he, and hardly knog what 射 did, and heedless of allnsiderations of deru, 射 fng her ars around his neck andpressg her face close to his, said, &ot;yes, y dear lord, you arethe true aster of this your slave, even though adverse fate terposeaga, and fresh danrs threaten this life that hangs on yours&ot;
a stran sight was this for don fernando and those that stoodaround, filled with surprise at an cident unlooked fordorothea fancied that don fernando 插nd lour and looked as thoughhe ant to take venance on cardenio, for 射 observed hi put hishand to his sword; and the stant the idea struck her, with wonderfulickness 射 clasped hi round the knees, and kissg the andholdg hi as to prevent his ovg, 射 said, while her tearsntued to flow, &ot;what is it thou wouldst do, y only refu, this unforeseen event? thou hast thy wife at thy feet, and 射 whothou wouldst have for thy wife is the ars of her hband:reflect whether it will be right for thee, whether it will be possiblefor thee to undo what heaven has done, or whether it will bebeg thee to seek to raise her to be thy ate who spite ofevery obstacle, and strong her truth and nstancy, is before theeyes, bathg with the tears of love the face and bo of herlawful hband for god&039;s sake i entreat of thee, for the own iiplore thee, let not this open anifestation roe thy anr; butrather cal it as to allow these o lovers to live peace andiet without any terference fro thee long as heaven peritsthe; and dog t