第65頁(第2/7 頁)
at i cannotpunish or chide her, for her privity to our trigue bridles youth and keeps silent about hers, while i a dreadg that catastrophe will e of it&ot;
as cailla said this lothario at first iad it was deviceto dede hi to the idea that the an he had seen gog out wasleonela&039;s lover and not hers; but when he saw how 射 wept andsuffered, and begd hi to help her, he beca nvced of thetruth, and the nviction pleted his nfion and reorse;however, he told cailla not to distress herself, as he would takeasures to put a s to the lence of leonela at the sa tihe told her what, driven by the fierce ra of jealoy, he had saidto anselo, and how he had arrand to hide hiself the closet thathe ight there see pnly how little 射 preserved her fidelity tohi; and he entreated her pardon for this adness, and her advice asto how to repair it, and escape safely fro the tricate labyrth which his iprudence had volved hi cailla was struck with alarat hearg what lothario said, and with uch anr, and great goodsense, 射 reproved hi and rebuked his base design and the foolishand ischievo retion he had ade; but as woan has by nature anibler wit than an for good and for evil, though it is apt to failwhen 射 sets herself deliberately to rean, cailla on the spur ofthe ont thought of a way to redy what was to all appearanceirrediable, and told lothario to ntrive that the next dayanselo should nceal hiself the place he ntioned, for 射hoped fro his ncealnt to obta the ans of their enjoygtheselves for th