第49頁(第4/7 頁)
thahat was should not have been; then, if you hold y body clasped your ars, i hold y ul secured by virtuo tentions, verydifferent fro yours, as you will see if you attept to carry theto effect by force i a your vassal, but i a not your slave;your nobility neither has nor should have any right to dishonour ordegrade y huble birth; and low-born peasant as i a, i have yself-respect as uch as you, a lord and ntlean: with yourviolence will be to no purpose, your wealth will have no weight,your words will have no power to deceive , nor your sighs or tearsto ften : were i to see any of the thgs i speak of hi whoy parents gave as a hband, his will should be e, and eshould be bounded by his; and y honour beg preserved even though yclations were not would willgly yield hi what you, senor, wouldnow obta by force; and this i say lest you should suppose that anybut y lawful hband shall ever anythg of &039; &039;if that,&039;said this disloyal ntlean, &039;be the only scruple you feel, fairestdorothea&039; (for that is the na of this unhappy beg), &039;see here igive you y hand to be yours, and let heaven, fro which nothg ishid, and this ia of our lady you have here, be witnesses of thispled&039;&ot;
when cardenio heard her say 射 was called dorothea, he showed freshagitation and felt nvced of the truth of his forr spicion, buthe was unwillg to terrupt the story, and wi射d to hear the end ofwhat he already all but knew, he rely said:
&ot;what! is dorothea your na, senora?