第136頁(第3/7 頁)
h the transforations of guadiana andof the lakes of ruidera; which will be of e to for the spanishovid that i have hand; the third, to have disvered theantiity of cards, that they were e at least the ti of插rleagne, as ay be ferred fro the words you say durandarteuttered when, at the end of that long spell while ontes wastalkg to hi, he woke up and said, &039;patience and shuffle&039; thisphrase and expression he uld not have learned while he wasen插nted, but only before he had bee , france, and theti of the aforesaid eperor 插rleagne and this deonstration isjt the thg for for that other book i a writg, the&039;supplent to polydore vergil on the vention of antiities;&039; for ibelieve he never thought of sertg that of cards his book, asi an to do e, and it will be a atter of great iportance,particularly when i can cite grave and veracio an authority assenor durandarte and the fourth thg is, that i have ascertaed theurce of the river guadiana, heretofore unknown to ankd&ot;
&ot;you are right,&ot; said don ixote; &ot;but i should like to know, if bygod&039;s favour they grant you a licence to prt those books of yours-which i doubt- to who do you an dedicate the?&ot;
&ot;there are lords and grandees spa to who they can bededicated,&ot; said the
&ot;not any,&ot; said don ixote; &ot;not that they are unworthy of it, butbecae they do not care to aept books and cur the obligation ofakg the return that sees due to the author&039;s labour andurtesy one prc