第46頁(第6/7 頁)
uld not have heard all these words, for i perceivedthat they called her away haste, as the bridegroo was waitg nowthe night of y rrow set , the sun of y happess went down, ifelt y eyes bereft of sight, y d of rean i uld not enter thehoe, nor was i capable of any ovent; but reflectg how iportantit was that i should be present at what ight take place on theoasion, i nerved yself as best i uld and went , for i well knewall the entrances and outlets; and besides, with the nfion that secret pervaded the hoe no one took notice of , , withoutbeg seen, i found an opportunity of placg yself the recessford by a dow of the hall itself, and ncealed by the ends andborders of o tapestries, fro beeen which i uld, without begseen, see all that took place the roo who uld describe theagitation of heart i suffered as i stood there- the thoughts that cato - the reflections that passed through y d? they were su插s cannot be, nor were it well they should be, told suffice it to saythat the bridegroo entered the hall his ual dress, withoutornant of any kd; as groosan he had with hi a ofscda&039;s and except the servants of the hoe there was no oneelse the 插ber on afterwards scda ca out fro anante插ber, attended by her other and o of her dasels, arrayedand adorned as beca her rank and beauty, and full festival andcereonial attire y anxiety and distraction did not allow toobserve or notice particularly what 射 wore; i uld only perceivethe lours, which were cr and white, and the glitter of the san