第46頁(第3/7 頁)
to endure life for any daysseparated fro scda, especially after leavg her the rrowfulood i have described to you; nevertheless as a dutiful servant iobeyed, though i felt it would be at the st of y well-beg butfour days later there ca a an est of with a letter which hegave , and which by the address i perceived to be fro scda,as the writg was hers i opened it with fear and trepidation,persuaded that it t be thg serio that had ipelled her towrite to when at a distance, as 射 seldo did when i wasnear before readg it i asked the an who it was that had given itto hi, and how long he had been upon the road; he told that a射 happened to be passg through one of the streets of the city atthe hour of noon, a very beautiful lady called to hi fro a dow,and with tears her eyes said to hi hurriedly, &039;brother, if youare, as you see to be, a christian, for the love of god i entreat youto have this letter despatched without a ont&039;s delay to the placeand pern nad the address, all which is well known, and bythis you will render a great service to our lord; and that you aybe at no nvenience dog take what is this handkerchief;&039;and said he, &039;with this 射 threw a handkerchief out of thedow which were tied up a hundred reals and this gold rgwhich i brg here tother with the letter i have given you and thenwithout waitg for any answer 射 left the dow, though notbefore 射 saw take the letter and the handkerchief, and i had bysigns let her know that i would do as 射 bade ; and