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第64部分(第1/8 頁)

最新遊戲競技小說: 闖關遊戲,詞條太強了從傳奇開始證道成神詭案奇聞NBA:投籃四萬年紅樓之林家有嫡子慾望大獎賽:假面騎士睚眥攻略一時爽,死遁回來洗白小黑屋海島求生,開啟簡易模式穿書:炮灰他要頂不住了網遊之這個殺手是牧師蒼穹戰線下的黃昏凰臨天下:重生之謀權為後神之舞龍族:龍王?那也得給我打工主火影男人只會妨礙我結印的速度大聖我們一起再鬧天宮是勇者就上1000層森林深處的星光:居某的睡前故事次元:到處亂跑的街溜子律者網遊:禍亂江湖


“Impatiently I waited for evening; when I might summon you to my presence。 An unusual—to me—a perfectly new character I suspected was yours: I desired to search it deeper and know it better。 You entered the room with a look and air at once shy and independent: you uch as you are now。 I made you talk: ere long I found you full of strange contrasts。 Your garb and manner were restricted by rule; your air was often diffident; and altogether that of one refined by nature; but absolutely unused to society; and a good deal afraid of making herself disadvantageously conspicuous by some solecism or blunder; yet when addressed; you lifted a keen; a daring; and a glowing eye to your interlocutor’s face: there was peration and power in each glance you gave; when plied by close questions; you found ready and round answers。 Very soon you seemed to get used to me: I believe you felt the existence of sympathy between you and your grim and cross master; Jane; for it was astonishing to see how quickly a certain pleasant ease tranquillised your manner: snarl as I would; you showed no surprise; fear; annoyance; or displeasure at my moroseness; you watched me; and now and then smiled at me with a simple yet sagacious grace I cannot describe。 I was at once content and stimulated with what I saw: I liked what I had seen; and wished to see more。 Yet; for a long time; I treated you distantly; and sought your pany rarely。 I was an intellectual epicure; and wished to prolong the gratifi

(獵人同人)蘋果!蘋果![獵人 西索]哥幾個,走著厲氏第一夫人毒王黑寵:鬼域九王妃極寒獵人戀愛混合著失戀的心靈發育:青春的反證